Happy Mother's Day! I hope all the Devils players showed their moms how much they appreciate them today.
We had a tough loss on Saturday with a 2-3 loss to Rampage. The score, though, did not reflect the great playing effort of the Devils. We knew that we were going to have a tough game against this team since we played them earlier in the season. The first time around, the girls were taken by surprise by the physical play of girls who were much bigger. This time around we tried hard to prepare through a special
clinic with Coach Tom in which he covered shielding the ball, and a bumping drill that Coach Brad put together (and lots of talk about not backing down and being aggresive). When we scrimmaged the boys this week I even told them to do a little extra pushing against the girls just to give them a taste of what Saturday would be like. :)
I am extremely proud of how the girls played, especially in the first half. The other team came out pushing as we knew they would, but this time, I felt the girls stepped up to the play. Thanks to Jessica who agreed to stay in goal. She played a great game the first half, and was showing terrific timing going to the ball, so we kept her in.
Of special note were the playing efforts of Akayla, Christene, and Lindsay. As I said, the entire team put out a great effort, but these three girls put out that extra effort on Saturday. Akayla not only was able to play back physically, she also had several great head balls during the game. Christene showed us what her foot is made of on the left hand side. She showed speed and determination. Lindsay was our hard core defensive specialist. She stopped many drives, and was able to turn the ball up the line.
Our two goals were made by Christene and Courtney. Christene's was an excellent loft shot right over the goalie's head. Courtney, who continues to put herself in the exact right spot on offensive drives, also put one in the goal. Way to go girls!
All the girls played extremely hard on Saturday. Again, we were very proud of them.
This week, one of the things we will be working on is the basics...kicking, throwing, receiving, etc. We had several throw ins overturned on Saturday, so we
need to get back to the easy stuff.
See everyone on Tuesday.
Coach Sonya (and Coach Brad)
Labels: Spring'08 Season